SomeBoringNameLou's Site
About Me | Sites that I like | Creative things.... | Lyrics

Ok. I've had enough of it being boring and stuff, and well it's time that it got an overhall... granted it won't be any better than it was before hand but it won't be any worse either... well hopefully.... hehe...

So I'm now doing this as god knows what site number I'm on by now, cause I don't have a clue... hehe :) so anyway I thought I'd continue with changing all of this and who knows maybe it'll finally be how I want it to be... but then again...probably not... ehehe

I can't really remember as to why there's more text here but ah well do I really give a damn? Nope... either way... my lifes going ok apart from the whole depression thing but we'll forget about that ok??? and just go on to David :)

Lou and David....
oooo look happy people :) how sweet...

just a random list of list like things? maybe... hehe

This is supposed to be a long list about something another isn't it??? hehe oh well i suppose i'll think of something
Top Bands:
  1. Muse
  2. Radiohead
  3. Vive La Fete
  4. Placebo
  5. Coldplay
  6. Jimmy Eat World
  7. The Thrills
  8. Idlewild
  9. Goldfrapp
  10. The Cooper Temple Clause

The first star I see may not be a star. We can't do a thing but wait. So let's wait for one more. The time such clumsy time in deciding if it's time. I'm careful but not sure how it goes. You can loose yourself in your courage. The mindless comfort grows when I'm alone with my 'great' plans. This is what she says gets her through it: "If I don't let myself by happy now then when?" If not now when? When the time we have now ends. When the big hand goes round again. Can you still feel the butterflies? Can you still hear the last goodnight? Close my eyes and believe wherever you are, an angel for me.